Our Mission
We create a center that integrates the humanities and science.
We collect, share, analyze, integrate and develop the techniques of simulations, and attempt to solve variety of issues which are socially significant, from the perspective of daily users.
Importance and Necessity
It is important to bring a new paradigm to the simulation techniques including modelization which need to be collected, investigated and developed, to solve urgent and crucial tasks including environmental problems or disaster prevention.
Overview of our Activities
We form a center and solve urgent and important social problems from the viewpoint of ordinary citizens, taking our advantages including the actual achievements of "Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences", and convenient campus environment enabling easy for researchers to communicate across departments.
We explore to develop simulation methods by collecting, sharing, and analyzing the existing techniques for simulation sciences widely used in many fields, while simulating and modelizing complex phenomena.
Researchers in both humanities and the sciences play roles towards the resolution of important social issues focusing on environmental problems and disaster defense.
We investigate various problems, including the feasibility of lake clarification plant using waterweed considering activation of local economy, in environmental science field.
Also, we research safety investigations, including for fire disaster in subway station and also in broader area, and specification of evacuation area when a flood disaster occurs, both on the basis of human behaviors, in disaster prevention field.
We aim to publish practical proposals to deal with urgent issues in the real society. At the same time, we enhance cultivation of female researchers, teaching materials, and assistance to developing nations.
Expected Effect
The expected results include development of computing models in various fields, development of new paradigm of simulations derived from integrated humanities and science, practical proposals to urgent problems, cultivation of female researchers, contribution to science and ecological education, and assistance to developing nations.